Bank Account Reconciliation Method


Hungarian Revolution

Hungarian Revolution

October 23, 1956

I was reminded this morning, by a comment on the radio, that the 68th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution/Revolt is occurring this coming Wednesday, October 23rd.

I was vividly reminded of that time. I was a Freshman at Pe…

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Healthcare Systems - Billed Charges

Healthcare Systems – Billed Charges

Here I go again!. I just received my “ Medicare Summary Notice” for Part B (Medical Insurance) claims processed, on my behalf, between June 22 and September 20, 2024. Medicare Part A is for Hospital charges.

As many of you will…

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The Middle East Conflict

The Middle East Conflict

I don’t know how closely you follow the conflict in the Middle East but obviously it isn’t getting any better.

I was listening to the radio a few days ago and heard an interview with former President Carter’s Grandson. In this interview, t…

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The Status of the Accounting Profession

The Status of the Accounting Profession

The September 2024 edition of “The Journal of Accountancy” landed in my email yesterday. It has been only digital for some time now. I obviously prefer the real thing, but that is because I am considered a “dinosaur.”

I scan…

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Personal Budgeting

Personal Budgeting

I hear many remarks today about how hard it is to make ends meets. I don’t disagree, but if one used a system to at least project where you stand financially, maybe one could work towards making that situation better.

Years ago, I remember my pa…

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Hospital Billed Charges

Hospital Billed Charges

You may have heard the term “hospital billed charges” and wondered what was meant. Well, I have a great example!

Recently, I had a Pacemaker procedure where a Pacemaker was installed into a pocket that was made in my upper left front chest.…

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The Housing Crisis

“The Housing Crisis”

On Friday, June 21, 2024, I was surfing the TV channels a little after 4:00 P.M.

I stopped at Fox News –Kudlow, and saw the beginning of an interview that Larry Kowlow was having with the Opinion Editor of the Washington Times newspaper. The O…

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The Chronicle of a Pacemaker

“The Chronicle of Receiving a Pacemaker”

In December 2023, I had another cardioversion procedure. This was the 4th in a year, because I was found to be in AFib again. Dr. Gehrig, my cardiologist at UVA Health, decided that maybe I was a candidate for ablation. He …

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D-Day - June 4, 1944

June 6, 1944 – D Day – Normandy

Yesterday was the 80th Anniversary of the Allied Troops landing on the beaches of Normandy in World War ll. This was a significant event then and now! The Allies named the beaches where they were to land; Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno & S…

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The Chroncle of Hodgins

“The Chronicle of Hodgkin’s”


Jess Sweely

I kept a journal from the time that I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s through the completion of treatment and follow-up. This is a transcript of that journal.


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Congressional hearing - United Healthcare

The United States House Energy & Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations - United Healthcare

On Saturday, May 4, 2024, I was surfing the television channels and I saw that the Subcommittee Hearing of May 1st, dealing with the Cyberattack at U…

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Collegiate Athletics & NIL

College Athletics, the Transfer Portal and NIL

As many of you know, I have been a passionate basketball fan for many years. My oldest daughter went to UNC-Chapel Hill, and we lived in North Carolina for 10 years. It was hard not to be a fan of one of the North Car…

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Boeing - "Continued"

“Boeing –The Continued Saga”

As many of you know, I have been following, and writing about, what is happening at Boeing for the past year. Obviously, they haven’t made a great deal of progress with respect to their manufacturing and quality issues.

Last week the C…

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Accounting 101 for Small Business

Accounting 101 for Small Business

I was recently reminded that many small businesses are not equipped to handle the very rudimentary accounting functions required to be successful. I see this annually as I prepare tax returns for friends and family. I am a C.P.A. …

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Real Estate -Today

The Real Estate Update

March 19, 2024

I am sure that most of you have seen the many articles this past week, concerning the huge settlement, $418 million, that the National Association of Realtors (NAR) made, in a class action law suit filed in Missouri by a group…

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Boeing – Updated

In September 2023, I sent my paper, “What Is Wrong at Boeing?” to the C.E.O. of Boeing and also to the Chairman of the Board. Obviously, they didn’t read it.

The issues continue around their production and quality. It has been reported that they a…

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The Healthcare Debate

The Healthcare Debate

By Jess Sweely

If you have been following the healthcare debate in this country you are probably more confused than ever. Healthcare is complex and it is obvious that the “Policy Wonks” don’t really understand the basic mechanics of healthca…

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Mortgage Rate Analysis

Mortgage Rate Analysis

December 28, 2023

There has been much discussion lately as to mortgage rates and prices of homes.

Prices of homes have not gone down as mortgage interest rates have increased from 3% to 7% . Why? There is a simple explanation, inventory of h…

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Audits, Reviews & Compilation

In the current New York State civil lawsuit for fraud against Donald J. Trump, there has been much reporting about financial statements that were fraudulently prepared, using over valuations for property that was owned. I am not an attorney and cannot comment on t…

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Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage

Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage

At this time of the year, those of us that are of the age, are being inundated with calls and TV advertisements concerning Medicare and specifically Medicare Advantage. I must receive 4 to 5 calls a day from someone in a “boiler roo…

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Purchasing a Sporthorse in Europe

Purchasing a Sporthorse in Europe

I was recently reminded of a situation where an American Adult-Amateur went to Europe and purchased a young horse to be a Hunter and realized that the horse had some major issues, both physically and mentally. This happens more th…

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What is Wrong at Boeing?

What is Wrong at Boeing?

September 14, 2023

I read two articles this week concerning Boeing. One dealt with the CEO’s private plane trips (400 in three years from his two homes) and the fact that he is hardly ever in their Corporate Office in Arlington, Va. Also, …

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Shortage of Accountants


In yesterday’s Wall Street Journal there was another front page article concerning the shortage of accountants. It continued to state that there is a shortage of over 300,000 and that the inference was because the C.P.A. exam now requires a…

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Bank Account Reconciliation Method

I am going to show you what I believe is a simple method to reconcile your bank account. I know that many of you still do not attempt to reconcile your account but you should and it isn’t as difficult as you might think.

At the end of each month the bank tells yo…

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Financial Literacy for High School Students

Yesterday I saw an announcement that some High Schools were considering adding a course/section on "Personal Finance." I thought "wow" this has been discussed for years and at one time was actually implemented in some schools.

In my opinion this is something that …

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Questions Concerning Your Personal Finances or Small Business Finances/Operations

Yesterday I had a conversation with a couple who had previously owned a small business and are now retired. They told me that my daughter,Robin, had given them a copy of my book "the Journey" and that they had thoroughly enjoyed it. They particularly enjoyed some …

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A Roundup of Classic Books That Still Resonate Today: Inspiring Reads for Modern Readers
Posted on April 7th, 2023

In a world of constantly changing technology and trends, there's something comforting about classic books that have stood the test of time. These books have captivated readers for decades and continue to resonate with us today. Whether y…

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How to Start Your Own Book Club: An Inspirational Guide to Building a Community of Readers
Posted on March 15th, 2023

Are you looking to expand your literary horizons, connect with like-minded individuals, and foster a sense of community? Starting your own book club might just be the perfect solution for you. Whether you're an avid reader or just looki…

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I am thrilled to hear from you and can't wait to connect with you. I am dedicated to inspiring readers and creating a community of like-minded individuals who share a love of literature. If you have any questions, or comments, or just want to say hello, please don't hesitate to reach out to me using the form below. I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for considering Jess Sweely for your reading journey!